
Thursday, June 17, 2010

This is just a test of what this blog can do.

Comparison of Theorists Ally, Anderson and Simonson

The goals exemplified in all three authors are similar to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning. The examples are as follow:

Blooms Knowledge Comprehension Application
Ally Learner Preparation Learner Interaction Learner Activities
Anderson Learner Centered Knowledge Centered Community Centered
Simonson Assess Technologies Determine Outcome Identify Learning Experiences
Comparison of Theorists
Lower Level Learning

Upper Level Learning particular to Distance Learning
Bloom Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
Ally Learner Interaction Learner Interaction Learner Activities
Anderson Knowledge Centered Learner Centered Community Centered
Simonson Assess Available Technologies Determine the Learning Outcomes
Identify Learning Experiences and Match Them to Appropriate Available Technology

I guess some things aren't transferrable in blogs. :(

I so need a summer break

It's that time again. Work, study, heat are catching up and slowing me down. I think I will appreciate the summer break more for catching up and re-organizing.

On the upside: Things are looking good for my trip to the CEA convention in Little Rock, Aka.

Looking forward to seeing other blogs, since I am not a real good blogger I'll probably learn a great deal. Well, onward and upward.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

FFIO(Finally Figured It Out)

Maybe I'm just dense...or overworked...or tired...or none of the above.

Here is my second issue blog for a course that I am sure I will like a lot! Getting into blogging is not as difficult as I thought. It's not quite like facebook - which I'm not fond of due to the gossipy chatty nature of that "beast". I love my friends and family, but how in the world do they find the time to sit and chat?

I guess I'm looking at things like facebook and twitter and tweet, etc. as entertainment, and blogging as utilitarian communication. I am such a bore :p

Anyway, I hope to see my fellow classmates here - often, and I hope not to bore anyone with tales of Bosco (my dog) and Sadie (my cat) and George (my husband). However, they do make interesting reading!

Chris W.