I’ve chosen two of the elements mentioned by Dr. Siemens to be crucial elements of distance education:
The first element that I feel is important is communication. Communication is essential to all humans because humanity requires a meeting of the minds to solve humanity’s mysteries. If we consider communication for a while we realize that the very first humans sought out each other for protection and procreation and development of their race(s). History is about communication. History is about forming of communication and development of the world. Whenever we find a new civilization we seek their means of communication…basically writing. Social mores insists on communication.
Online tools that help (and sometimes deter) communication can definitely be found in such websites as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, UTube and the like.
Collaboration. Collaboration is grouping of like minded individuals to solve a problem or present a solution to a question by blending knowledge into sustainable theories and/or hypotheses that will improve the human condition. Collaboration developed with the very first “teachers” on record (Aristotle, Socrates and Plato). A gathering of minds and a seeking of solutions has always been a part of any society or community growth.
Collaborative online tools could include Skype, Wiki’s, Blogs and emails (these have evolved from real time to asynchronous methods).
I think that Dr. Siemens' statements were very suscinct and did cause me to reflect more deeply on these two elements. That and the fact that the Conference which I just returned from (CEA Association) was all about just those two elements...collaboration and communication. It was a great conference.
Reference: Siemens, M. 2008. The future of distance education, Laureate Education, Walden Univerity Podcast. http://sylvan.live.college.com.
By the way: I have viewed and commented to Amy Cantymagli and Christine Rand http://acantymagli.blogspot.com;
I agree that these two elements are imperative today especially. Nowadays, people seems to be busier than ever; it seems that everyone is always in a hurry. But, with this being a technological society, communication and collaboration has been made easier due to text messaging (no driving and texting), email, blogging, skype,etc. ....I enjoyed reading your blog; it is very insighful and interesting.
ReplyDeleteNicole H.
Thanks Nicole: I'm seeingmoean more communication through technology with my own grandsons. I'm hoping that they become responible on whatever they choose to use as communication. Although I dislike facebook (for instance)but I do see the collabrative side, and check in with my grandson and his adventures. That's the upside!
ReplyDeleteThanks again.
Chris W.
Nice blog good information cn u tell difference between normal education and distance education